Dr Daniel Aguirre
Research keywords: Globalization & Development, Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Law
Research keywords: Globalization & Development, Human rights, International Law, International Relations, Law
Research keywords: modern British history; Irish history; metropolitan imperialism; media history
Research keywords: Violence against women; Climate communication policy; Digital rights
Research keywords: Sustainability/ESG, business and human rights, public and private international law
Research keywords: International justice and accountability, international humanitarian law, transitional justice, international criminal law
Research keywords: race and ethnicity; gender studies; cultural studies; South Asia; digital sociology
Research keywords: jurisprudence, law reform, development, justice, advocacy, colonial/post colonial law, history of the common law, public international law
Research keywords: International Public law, International Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, Environmental and Climate Justice.
Research keywords: critical theory (especially postcolonialism); contemporary Arab and South Asia literatures; concepts of exile and diaspora
Research keywords: human rights, international law, digital rights, decolonisation, rule of law
Research keywords: Human rights law, Commonwealth studies, Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, comparative constitutional law, the rule of law.