HRC's mission
The Human Rights Consortium's mission focuses on enhancing the promotion of the human rights research and related activities of scholars nationally and internationally, not only within the Commonwealth. It aims to build upon the existing successes, networks and expertise of the School Members’ Institutes and develop a particular forum of discipline-focused human-rights-led activities that would both benefit both the Institutes’ strategies and the School as a whole
To organise practice-oriented events on human rights
The Human Rights Consortium is committed to organising and supporting academic, policy and practice-oriented events on human rights. Collaborations with other institutions are particularly welcome. The Consortium also aims to disseminate the work arising from events to a broader audience.
To disseminate research on human rights
The Consortium seeks to publish high-impact academic work, to disseminate work arising from events, particularly conferences and workshops, through commercial publishers, online (including podcasts) and other means as appropriate. Available publications can be found here.
To foster national and international networks of human rights academics
The Consortium aims to establish a network of academics, policy-makers and practitioners working on human rights in the UK and internationally in order to encourage inter-disciplinary collaboration in the field, as well as to contribute to the Consortium’s events and publications. Individuals and institutions have been invited to become Associates of the Consortium.
To host visiting fellows working in human rights
The Consortium offers non-stipendiary Visiting Research Fellowships in human rights for visitors to the School of Advanced Study. Visiting fellows are provided with shared office space and access to computing and printing, as well as library borrowing rights. Visitors are expected to participate fully in the academic life of the School, including giving a presentation at a seminar or conference during the course of their stay and contributing to the Consortium’s dissemination activity.
To enhance the teaching and learning environment for graduate students
In recognition of the important role of graduate students of Human Rights as future researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in the field, the Consortium seeks to create a positive environment for Human Rights teachers and students.