UK Network on Minority Groups and Human Rights
The HRC was pleased to support the UK Network on Minority Groups and Human Rights. The network was established in 2009 by scholars primarily based in the UK, originally under the initiative of Dr. Gaetano Pentassuglia,University of Liverpool, and later under the direction of Dr Tawhida Ahmed, City, University of London, Dr Stephanie Berry and Dr Elizabeth Craig, both at Sussex University, and Dr Corinne Lennox. The Network organised conferences, roundtables and publications on topical issues surrounding the rights of minority groups. The HRC co-hosted a major conference in Minorities and Indigenous Peoples in November 2010.
Archives of the newsletter of the UK network on Minority Groups and Human Rights can be found here. Workshop report on Current Research Directions in Minority Rights (2013) and Doctoral Research on Minority Rights (2013) workshop.