The Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICwS) has proudly joined the Canada-United Kingdom Colloquium as a Pillar Sponsor.

Since 1971, the Colloquium has brought together leading politicians, officials, academics, businesspeople, scientists, practitioners, students and members of the media from both countries to discuss pressing public policy challenges in both countries, and to make recommendations to government.

This year’s event was held on 24-26 November at The Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Over 50 participants, including policy-makers and other thought leaders, addressed pressing geopolitical issues, emphasizing the importance of defending the rules-based international order and discussed common strategic priorities in a conflict-ridden world. Key topics included the geopolitics of energy, defence and intelligence cooperation, and the implications of evolving technology for national security as well as Chinese influence and the situation in Gaza.

Professor Kingsley Abbott, Director of the Institute and Associate Fellow Maud Sarliève both participated, contributing insights into the human rights and climate dimensions of these matters.