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Maud Sarliève

Research keywords: International Public law, International Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, Environmental and Climate Justice.

Maud Sarliève is an established expert in international criminal law, international humanitarian law, human rights, and a leading authority in developing creative legal solutions to address environmental and climate challenges.

Over the past two decades, Maud has led multicultural teams and operational projects across Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central and East Africa, South America, the Balkans, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe, navigating complex legal systems in conflict and post-conflict environments. She has collaborated with the United Nations, the European Union, and non-governmental organisations on intricate human rights and criminal investigations.  

Maud's most recent projects focus on environmental crimes, ecocide, the right to a healthy environment, and the critical need for collaboration among lawyers, policymakers, and scientists. This includes her innovative use of International Human Rights and Criminal Law to advance environmental and climate justice, through proposing novel interpretations of the Rome Statute to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

Previously serving as a judge for the French Cour Nationale du Droit d’Asile, Maud's academic journey includes an LL.M from Trinity College Dublin and a Master's degree from the University of Paris-Nanterre. Maud recently joined the Oxford Sustainable Law Programme.


Books and Articles
  • "Mass Deforestation as a Crime Against Humanity?" by Martini, Pauline; Holt, Joe and Sarliève, Maud, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, October 2023
  • "Fighting Deforestation in Non-International Armed Conflicts: The Relevance of the Rome Statute for Rosewood Trafficking in Senegal" by Martini, Pauline; Sarlieve, Maud, Transnational Environmental Law (TEL) (August 2021).
  • "Ecocide: Past, Present and Future Challenges," Springer Encyclopaedia on Sustainable Development Goals 07-Jun-2020
  • "Comparative Climate Change Litigation: Beyond the Usual Suspects", Sindico, Francesco, Mbengue, Makane Moise (Eds.) includes “Climate Change Litigation in France”, Maud Sarliève Springer 01-Jan-2021
  • "Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la Justice Pénale Internationale" Berger-Levrault, 27-Sep-2017  (Member of the editorial committee and co-author)
  • "Practical Guide to Defence Investigations - The Investigative Plan" Defence Office of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon 04-Dec-2017


Opinio Juris 

  • ICL and Environmental Protection Symposium: Which Future for the Crime of Ecocide? Opinio Juris 03-Jun-2020

Justice Info 

  • COP 27: When Russian Activists dare to take the Kremlin to Court. 7 November 2022
  • Armenia / Azerbaijan : What alternative to the Law of the Strongest? 6 October 2022 
  • Corporate Responsibility: Switzerland says no but the UN must say yes. 30 November 2020
  • Multinational and Human Rights: do States understand the urgency of a Treaty? 9 November 2020
  • Climate Change: How to make corporations responsible? Justice Info 05-Dec-2019
  • International Criminal Justice fails to meet the challenge of environmental Justice Info 22-Jul-2019
  • Polly Higgins: a major voice against environmental crimes Justice Info 25-Apr-2019
  • Ecuador: Toxic justice and tourism by Texaco waste pools Justice Info 14-Mar-2019
  • Can criminal courts help save the environment? Justice Info 10-Oct-2018