Online Short Courses
We offer the following online modules which can be studied individually by distance learning. These modules can also be taken as part of the MA in Human Rights, Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights or the Postgraduate Certificate in Human Rights.
Please note that the autumn session runs from September to January and the spring session runs from February to June annually.
Modules on offer in both autumn and spring sessions
Understanding human rights (UHM010)
Develop a nuanced understanding of human rights and human rights abuses, and an insight on key debates and an overview of related literature (credit bearing).
Securing human rights (UHM020)
Critically examine the strategies employed by inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations to secure human rights (credit bearing).
Translating human rights into international law (UHM030)
This module will provide you with a firm understanding of how human rights are translated into international law (credit bearing).
Modules on offer in autumn session only
Securing human rights in development and conflict (UHM120)
Review the strategies employed by actors to secure human rights in the context of development and conflict situations (credit bearing).
Topics in international human rights law (UHM130)
Develop a more advanced legal understanding around a broad range of crucially important aspects of human rights principles and practice (credit bearing).
Researching human rights: social science research methods (UHM140)
Introduces you to the theories and methods of qualitative social sciences research and how they can be applied to the study of human rights (credit bearing).
Modules on offer in spring session only
Genocide, gross human rights violations and reconciliation (UHM110)
Covers a range of approaches from the social sciences and humanities to develop an understanding of genocide and reconciliation processes (credit bearing).
Human Rights, Sustainable Development and Environmental Justice (UHM150)
This module will equip you to understand the conceptual, legal and practice-based links of human rights with development (credit bearing).
Indigenous peoples, minorities and human rights (UHM160)
Investigate key historical and contemporary human rights issues faced by indigenous peoples and ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities (credit bearing).