Africa (General)
20/5/2020 - Burundi election: Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp blocked - BBC
3/5/2020 - West Africa’s Press Freedoms at Risk During Coronavirus - VOA
24.4.2020 - Covid-19 Sparks Wave of Massive Media Repression in West Africa - MFWA
23/4/2020 - Covid-19 Sparks Wave of Massive Media Repression in West Africa - MFWA
14/4/2020 - Press freedom violations throughout Africa linked to Covid-19 coverage - RFI
8/4/2020 - Is the coronavirus killing press freedom in Africa - DW
29//2020 - Coronavirus infects press freedom in Africa - RWB
21/3/2020 - Fake news obstructs Africa's coronavirus response - DW
03/03/2020 - Fighting Corruption in West Africa: The Media’s Role - MfWA
03/03/2020 - African Court tasks media to scale-up human rights reportage - Ghana News Agency
24/02/2020 - Tanzania journalist Erick Kabendera freed after seven months - BBC
23/02/2020 - Africa's online hate speech laws sound alarm over press freedom - DW
22/01/2020- The weaponisation of information disorder - IFEX
04/12/2019 - Africa faces a balancing act on social media regulation - The Africa Report
29/11/2019 - Digital rights coalition mobilises against draft legislation - IT Web Africa
30/10/2019 - Facebook removes Africa accounts linked to Russian troll factory - The Guardian
17/09/2019 - Subverting Democracy in Tanzania and Zambia - Africa Centre for Strategic Studies
05/08/2019 - Fresh vigilance is needed to protect media freedom across Africa - The Media Online
24/05/2019 - Is Facebook undermining democracy in Africa? - BBC
01/05/2019 - Is Africa's thumbs down to media freedom a case of follow the leader? - Made for minds
12/04/2019 - Civil Society, Press Freedom & Human Rights Under Attack in Africa - IPS
09/04/2019 - FOE Situation in West Africa: Assaults, Detentions Blight March 2019 - Mfwa
09/04/2019 - A Critical Juncture in West Africa: Why Regional Processes Matter - CIMA
22/03/2019 - Governments Increasingly Penalising Critical Journalism in Africa - AFEX
10/03/2019 - Militant insurgencies impact media freedom, fake news and elections, and more - ifex
15/02/2019 - The spectre of Cambridge Analytica still haunts African elections - Al Jazeera
14/01/2019 - Taxed, throttled or thrown in jail: Africa’s new internet paradigm - Global Voices
10/12/2018 - How new media platforms have become powerful across Africa - News24
14/11/2018 - ‘African governments using laws to stifle internet freedom’ - The Guardian
12/11/2018 - What we’ve learnt about fake news in Africa - BBC
12/11/2018 - A year in fake news in Africa - BBC
06/11/2018 - PSM Weekly | 31 Oct - 6 Nov - Public Media Alliance
05/11/2018 - BBC Nairobi: The largest bureau outside UK - BBC
31/10/2018 - African Investigative Journalists Say Threats Mounting — from Near and Far - VoA
20/10/2018 - China is broadening its efforts to win over African audiences - The Economist
03/10/2018 - Threats to media freedom in Africa: some old methods and some new - The Conversation
22/08/2018 - Rights Groups Condemn Torture, Detention of African Journalists - All Africa
04/08/2018 - Internet censorship in Africa threatens democracy, economy - DW
23/07/2018 - Silencing the Twitter-Chatter - Public Media Alliance
18/07/2018 - How the diaspora influenced 2017's elections in Africa: report - Al Jazeera
July - September 2018 - West Africa Freedom of Expression Moitor - MFWA