29/11/22 - “We’re ready to help The Gambia do more to promote journalism,” RSF tells Barrow
03/08/22 - Gambian police attack, detain journalist Yusef Taylor, CPJ
26/08/21 - The Gambia: New law on access to information - IFJ
15/07/20 - Gambian police detain journalist documenting COVID-19 protests- CPJ
22/04/20 - Gambia makes progress in press freedom - The Point
28/02/20 - Anxiety in The Gambia Heightens as Barrow Reneges on Press Freedom Promise - MFWA
26/02/20 - Gambia: Govt Drops Charges Against Journalists, Opens 2 Radio Stations -
31/01/20 - Gambian president rolls back press freedom - DW News
28/01/20 - The Gambia: Police close down two radio stations and arrest four journalists - IFJ
18/09/19 - Gambia: Stakeholders Review Draft Freedom of Information Bill - all Africa
02/08/19 - Deyda Hydara’s daughter: ‘I am still crying’ for murdered Gambian journalist - CPJ
23/04/19 - ‘Gambia Makes Significant Progress In Press Freedom’ RSF - Foroyaa
03/04/19 - Gambian Authorities Withdraw Intrusive Screening for Accreditation of Journalists -Mfwa
21/02/19 - Commitment, perseverance, and ingenuity: Changing The Gambia's climate of impunity - Ifex
07/12/19 - Gambia named biggest global advancer on freedom of expression - The Point
14/11/18 - Human Rights Journalist Accuses SIS DG of ‘right abuses’ - The Voice
25/10/18 - Letter from Africa: I was tortured in The Gambia - BBC
18/09/18 - Point signs agreement to raise reporting standards for truth process - The Point
03/09/18 - Bad media laws to be repealed in December - The Point
02/08/18 - Gambia: Is the Honey Moon Between Barrow and the Media Over? - All Africax
06/08/18 - Yahya Jammeh’s Supporters Assault Journalists - Media Foundation for West Africa
12/07/18 - MWA writes to HRC on Gambia report review - The Point
16/05/18, Major boost for digital rights in The Gambia - Media Foundation for West Africa
23/03/18 - Broadcasters Associationof Gambia launched - All Africa
06/02/18 - A year after Jammeh: Free press returns to The Gambia - Al Jazeera
22/01/18 - Press Unions's Sec general optimistic about the future of Gambian media - Joloff News
01/12/17 - One year after Jammeh - Is Adama Barrow's government keeping its promises? - Ifex