Please find below links to media freedom news items for Rwanda. These have been organised by publication date.
12/05/2019 - Is the Rwandan Govt About to Censor Social Media? - All Africa-
12/05/2019 - Opinion: Rwanda's Paul Kagame – an enemy of the media parading as a statesman - DW
12/05/2019 - Govt moves to regulate social media content amid misinformation - The New Times
26/04/2019 - Rwanda Court rules that it is a ‘crime to insult Paul Kagame’.- RegionWeek
24/04/2019 - Rwanda court repeals law banning satirical cartoons - Reuters
10/10/2018 - Rwanda’s new penal code is still tough on journalists - Reporters Without Borders
01/10/2018 - Rwandan media denounces law on cartoons - Africa News
06/072018 - Rwanda, China media commit to deepen ties - The New Times
02/05/2018 - Economic instability; the evolving major threat to freedom of media -The New Times
29/12/2018 - Journalists welcome move to decriminalise defamation - All Africa