08/09/20 - Canada: Indigenous journalist arrested over his reporting on a land dispute IFJ
25/08/20 - Canada: Danish journalist covering indigenous protests not allowed into Canada - IFJ
22/07/20 - Canadian private investigative firm compiled reports on journalists - CPJ
12/06/20 - Dispatch from the Prairies: A Black journalist's perspective on this moment- CBC
13/12/19 - Canada: Deepfakes, Risk And Liability - Mondaq
05/12/19 - Public broadcasters unite to fight disinformation - CBC
14/10/19 - Election ads on WeChat posted by users: company - CBC
08/07/19 - A reporter’s long, failed fight to keep his work on ISIS from the RCMP - CBC
24/05/19 - How a suspected Iran-based campaign tried to get Canadian media to spread fake news - CBC
08/04/19 - Canada may regulate social media companies to avoid election meddling - The Guardian
02/08/18 - 'It's not news': Doug Ford's Ontario News Now attempts to muzzle media, experts say - CBC
27/04/18 - Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation launches journalism pilot project with CBC - CBC
23/01/18 - Trudeau government reviewing bringing back hate speech law - Daily Caller
26/10/17 - Canada strengthens the protection of journalists' sources - IFJ
03/05/17 - Trudeau defends press freedom as Canadian journalists face jail time - National Observer
27/04/17 - Press freedom in Canada…not as good as you think - Radio Canada International
25/04/17 - Dark days for press freedom at home: Fahmy - The Star
12/04/17 - A Historic Step to Protect Press Freedom in Canada: Senate Passes Press Shield Bill - CJFE
30/03/2017 - The B.C. hate speech trial that nobody’s heard about - Coast Reporter