12/08/2022 - Afghanistan: "I will become the voice for the voiceless", says an Afghan journalist exiled in New Zealand, IFJ

20/6/2020 - In wake of Christchurch, tech regulation in EU and Australia risks restricting journalism- CPJ

09/12/2019 - New terrorism bill could breach press freedom - Newsroom

26/11/2019 - Media commentator Gavin Ellis - RNZ

20/10/2019 - New Zealand media: a health check - The Spinoff

08/09/2019 - Broken Estate: an expat expert surveys our media - RNZ

09/08/2019 - Three powerful media projects to commemorate one year since March 15 - RNZ

06/07/2019 - Dark corners of the web fight back against New Zealand’s strive to restrain the far-right after Christchurch massacre - The Independent

26/06/2019 - What legal protections are there for Kiwi journalists? - RNZ

17/06/2019 - Why New Zealand's media is censoring its biggest story - RNZ

15/05/2019 - New Zealand seeks global support for tougher measures on online violence - ABC

13/05/2019 - Christchurch Call: details emerge of Ardern's plan to tackle online extremism - The Guardian

05/05/2019 - Uncharted waters for media freedom - RNZ

01/05/2019 - Why New Zealand’s Press Just Put on Blinders for Its Biggest Story - Politico 

23/04/2019 - Social media crackdown: How New Zealand is leading the global charge - NZ Herald 

08/04/2019 - New Zealand privacy commissioner says Facebook is run by ‘morally bankrupt’ liars - The Verge 

01/04/2019 - Christchurch shootings and media court reporting - RNZ

31/03/2019 - Chief Censor wants action on 'weaponization of social media'- RNZ

31/03/2019 - Curbing comments to calm the farm online - RNZ

24/03/2019 - How Christchurch’s assault has made a mark on our media - RNZ

18/03/2019 - Graeme Tuckett: Media response to Christchurch - RNZ

16/12/2018 - Tough times for training journalists - RNZ

19/11/2018 - Paper cuts: 'You need the local journalist who picks up on that local issue' - RNZ

25/10/2018 - The data does lie: how Facebook’s fake video stats smashed NZ journalism - Spinoff

04/10/2018 - New funding addresses high-needs gaps in public media content - NZ On Air

2/10/2018 - State attempted stifling of NZ media - RNZ

03/09/2018 - Five Eyes' call to end internet encryption spooks New Zealand privacy advocates - Newshub

17/08/2018 - David Cumin and Paul Moon: Law against hate speech helped Hitler's rise - NZ Herald

05/08/2018 - Court of Appeal creates new public interest defence - Radio NZ

06/05/2018 - Boosting local journalism for the Southern Lakes - Radio New Zealand

29/04/2018 - Media freedom under the microscope - Radio New Zealand

20/02/2018 - NZ media changing tack, and women are steering - Newsroom

14/02/2018 - NZ's news coverage shrinks as agency shuts down - Radio New Zealand

16/04/2018 - Media watchdog given wider scope - Otago Daily News

12/09/2017- Labour pledges $38m to public broadcasting - Radio New Zealand

12/09/2017 - Media law reforms are expected to pass parliament with the support of the Nick Xenophon Team later this week - SBS

02/05/2017 - Press freedoms stifled by cynical use of Official Information Act: Report - Stuff.co.nz

02/04/2018 - Online broadcasting 'wild-west' could be tamed, says expert - Radio New Zealand

22/11/2017 - 'Insulting' newspaper cartoons prompt legal debate over racial friction - New Zealand Herald

02/11/2017 - NZ to improve broadcast news media services to the Pacific - Radio New Zealand