Pacific (General)
6/5/2020 - Press freedom in the Pacific: Coronavirus spurs media crackdown - SBS
21/4/2020 - MEAA welcomes making Facebook and Google pay for media content - Asia Pacific Report
1/4/2020 - Fighting the COVID-19 ‘Infodemic’ in the Asia-Pacific- Coconet
02/02/2020- New public media plan still a work in progress behind closed doors - RNZ
09/12/2019 - Civic rights eroding in the Pacific - report - RNZ
29/11/2019 - Melanesian journalists decry growing threats against media freedom - Global Voices
20/11/2019 - China, media freedom in the Pacific, and the great Australian silence - The Interpreter
15/11/2019 - Groups address threats to media freedom in Melanesia - IFEX
04/07/2019 - Pacific Update, working with social media and curbing fake news - FBCNews
23/04/2019 - Media self-censorship still present in Pacific – RSF - RNZ
18/02/2019 - Pacific group aims to strengthen reporting on corruption - RNZ
30/11/2018 - Media freedom in Pacific a growing challenge, says journalism academic - Asia Pacific Report
09/11/2018 - NZ and Australia ignoring Pacific in new media strategy - expert - RNZ
04/09/2018 - NZ to help fund dedicated Pacific TV channel - Radio NZ
07/08/2018 - NZ Pacific journalists ‘appalled’ by Nauru ban on ABC at Forum - Asia Pacific Report
09/05/2018 - Pacific media risks 'tightening of the noose' - Radio New Zealand
08/05/2018 - Pacific journalists launch environment group at media summit - Pacific Media Center
04/05/2018 - Media in 'crisis' - Pacific press freedom comes under spotlight - Radio New Zealand
26/11/2017 - Pacific journalists form climate specialist network - ABC News