10/10/2022 - Pacific Island Fiji aims for a high-tech future, BBC

23/6/2020 - University of the South Pacific told to explain ‘unprecedented’ expulsion of journalists -IFEX

5/5/2020 - Fiji media "victims of govt intimidation"- RNZ

27/4/2020 - Fijian military leader defends government's right to 'stifle' press during Covid crisis - The Guardian

12/02/20 - UN urges Fiji to amend Media Decree - RNZ News

09/04/2019 - Fijian apology versus media freedom - RNZ

04/04/2019 - New Zealand journalists freed after being arrested and jailed in Fiji - Stuff.co.nz 

04/04/2019 - New Zealand journalists feel force of Fiji’s contempt for human rights - Amnesty International

04/04/2019 - New Zealand journalists arrested in Fiji after probing 'illegal' Chinese resort development - ABC

23/01/2019 - Critics see Fiji’s Online Safety Act as ‘Trojan horse’ for online censors - Asia Pacific Report

03/12/2018 - Fiji MP calls on media to be more professional - RNZ

26/11/2018 - Fiji deals with fake news over election time - RNZ

14/11/2018 - Coup-plagued Fiji goes to the polls - France 24

03/09/2018 - Sedition, coup-era media law and nerves keep lid on Fiji press - Asia Pacific Report

24/08/2018 - Media freedom concern - Fiji Times

23/07/2018 - Fiji govt's approach to media made job difficult says Hank Arts - RNZ

12/06/2018 - Election media blackout to 'protect voters' - The Fiji Times

27/05/2018 - Acquittal of Fiji Times sedition case hailed as victory for press freedom in Oceania - Global Voices

23/04/2018 - Fiji police case against journos seen as intimidatory - Radio New Zealand

13/02/2018 - UN High Commissioner concerned at Fiji media curbs - Radio New Zealand